King appeared in newspaper strips, comics, Little Big Books and other ancillary items.
The Achilles' heel of the earlier units, namely the lack of facilities for running ancillary items, an increasing requirement during the 1930s, was addressed later on the Queen engines.
Have some ancillary items been lost?
The library has an extensive collection of over 6000 books, catalogs, monographs and ancillary items.
For example, 100% of items critical to patient treatment but only 50% of ancillary items may be selected for sampling.
WDTNT also handled the marketing of other miscellaneous ancillary items such as short 8 mm films for home use.
British Conservatives cannot accept the report, based on the long list of ancillary items which are not on the agenda of the IGC.
No beer, no soft drinks, no wine glasses or highball glasses or any other ancillary items that conceivably might be profitable.
The following ancillary items can be found on the piston deck:
Production was intended at three factories located in Moscow, Leningrad, and Kharkov with ancillary items coming from several other factories.