These names do not appear in the movie itself, but are used in ancillary materials.
The second, in the next room, and mostly drawn from the museum's collection, has Metcalf-related paintings, drawings and ancillary material spanning the course of his career.
Milne was the author of an extensive mathematics curriculum, with multiple editions, including the following texts and ancillary materials:
Students ignore much of the ancillary materials provided with most major chemistry textbooks.
It contains Wondermark episodes 1-100 and also includes many pages of ancillary material, such as rejected concept pieces and reader-participation features.
Rather than an ephemeral one-time transmission, the documentaries and all their ancillary materials are now preserved on the series website.
Since its demise, the Newark Public Library acquired the paper's records, including ancillary materials (reporters' notes, etc.), and has undertaken a major preservation project.
Seqiro dug into the voluminous ancillary material he had culled from Amos' pedantic mind.
What about the price of the student's book, the teacher's book (if there is one) and tapes or any other ancillary material?
This book does this by making ancillary material available in an appendix and providing basic explanations without becoming bogged down in unnecessary details.