The graduate school and some ancillary programs were left behind at Southampton.
L.I.U. will maintain a minimal presence, through a few graduate and ancillary programs, for three years.
The fate of the ancillary programs that the agency has acquired during the last five decades is uncertain.
The Bourn Vincent Gallery is the University's principal venue for temporary exhibitions with an ancillary programme of seminars, lectures and performances.
Eventually, small ancillary programs such as program loaders and debuggers were left in memory between runs, or loaded from ROM.
The major thrust in taxonomic computing should be to create a Herbarium database, incorporating image data, with ancillary programs for Herbarium management.
Hilltop also serves the community with several ancillary programs.
It also created an ancillary program called the National Youth Administration, which paid for the work of poor young people in high schools, colleges and special training programs.
His father, now retired, was the director of Federal and ancillary programs in Claymont, for the Brandywine School District.
Even some textbook publishers say that few ancillary programs help students learn better or improve teaching quality.