It also publishes ancillary works including dictionaries, concordances, books for students of Pali and a journal.
Interquels are often ancillary works in other media rather than works in a popular series.
Two Storey dwellings each with garage/parking, vehicular access and ancillary works including removal of 11, Yarnton Road.
An extensive Freight Yard of 14,000 sq.m. (150,000 sq.ft.) includes new access roads, car parking and other ancillary works such as the latest aviation ground lighting installations.
The extent of preparatory and ancillary works, connected with such a project is to be seen, to be believed.
Balfour Beatty constructed the embankment and ancillary works.
The tunnels are deeper than originally planned to reduce disturbance to residential areas, and were built one kilometre longer and with more ancillary works to facilitate this.
All of the paintings and many of the ancillary works are considered significant to Munch's oeuvre.
The retaining dam and many of the ancillary works have been consolidated and extended in recent years.