But not all acne is caused by high androgen levels.
High androgen levels lead to symptoms such as body hair growth, acne, irregular periods - and weight gain.
During the second trimester, androgen level is associated with gender formation.
An effect of natural menopause on circulating androgen levels has not been observed.
Taking medicine is another way to reduce androgen levels in your body.
More simply, old age may also be a factor in the development of hypoandrogenism, as androgen levels decline with age.
Excess hair growth (hirsutism) slows when high androgen levels decrease.
Removing the testicles may be the simplest way to reduce androgen levels, but it is permanent.
An 1980 study found that androgen levels in the blood of males influenced their behavior.
Weight loss of as little as 5% to 7% over 6 months can lower your insulin and androgen levels.