Perhaps this old guy would amuse me or turn into a vivid anecdotal experience, the goal of all tourists at loose ends.
How can you make the link between ethnicity and knife crime based on your own anecdotal experiences, and state it as fact?
Rather it was approved on the basis of accumulated anecdotal clinical experience, and as a result is only available in Latvia.
He was great company anyway, with an endless stream of anecdotal experience.
The data were reinforced by anecdotal experience of the members that these findings were applicable to them as well.
I have to say that in my anecdotal experience IT is just about the one area that we do really well.
Some studies and anecdotal experiences suggest treatments are successful with only one or sometimes two of every three patients staying clean.
With my anecdotal experience, I would argue this to be completely untrue.
Slightly more relevant would be my anecdotal experience with my DroidX2.
"Our strong anecdotal experience is even where youngsters were at first resistant, they come to like them a great deal after they become required."