We also treat patients suffering from this condition, and our experiences differ from your anecdotal references.
If any member came back without hearing an anecdotal reference to these types of sexual assault situations, I would say they are in a minority.
The Federation Archaeological Database only had anecdotal references for this Krialta that Gabriel was so interested in.
Gather some anecdotal references to people who connected up from nowhere.
There are other anecdotal references to the Indian kings and commanders riding elephants to have a clear view of the battlefield.
The origin and recipe of the beverage are based on anecdotal reference.
There are, however, some anecdotal references that he may have been born in Scotland.
As a child, Scriabin was frequently exposed to piano playing, and anecdotal references describe him demanding his aunt play for him.
Although there is no reliable documentation on the impact of the plague, there are many anecdotal references to abandoned land in the following decades.
There are anecdotal references going back to the "free love" era of the late 60's/early 70's.