It has also lost more than 10 percentage points of market share in the last decade, and its car sales this year are running behind last year's anemic pace.
As each monthly employment report confirms the anemic pace of job creation - yesterday's report was especially grim - more members of Congress talk about obstructing it.
Both reports were good news, and together they indicated that the recovery was continuing, although at a somewhat anemic pace without putting upward pressure on prices.
Still, they said other indicators suggested that the city's economy was in fact expanding, albeit at an anemic pace.
But the anemic pace of job creation flew in the face of those upbeat assessments.
Despite the gloom among consumers, their rate of spending is likely to keep inching up this summer, at an expected anemic pace of 2 percent or so.
Moreover, the South Korean economy, although it has slowed, is still expected to grow by about 10 percent this year, hardly an anemic pace.
"The new-vehicle market is growing," he said, "but at an anemic pace."
But if the economy is to grow at more than its current anemic pace, private credit demand will need to pick up.
According to Central Intelligence Agency estimates published last month, the Soviet economy grew at an anemic pace of one-half of 1 percent in 1987.