However, despite the hype surrounding the grand opening of these two new stores, Spec's Music was beginning to show signs of anemic financial performance.
The night kicked off (half an hour late) with a somewhat anemic performance by the Austrian singer-composer Gisburg.
Despite the anemic performance of the song on the charts, Kiss climbed to a relatively high number 87 position.
The result was their most anemic offensive performance of the year and a 90-68 loss to the Cleveland Cavaliers on Friday night.
However, when comes the time to carry an occasional passenger, its two-seater capacity far outweighs its anemic performance with two people aboard.
The data showed that Japan was still facing great obstacles in recovering from its longest bout of anemic economic performance in the postwar years.
Europe's generally anemic performance has enormously complicated the task of the European Central Bank.
His aides have long offered explanations for the kind of anemic performance Mr. Dole offered this morning.
Compared with previous years, though, that is an anemic performance.
In the first two quarters of this fiscal year, sales grew only slightly over last year's anemic performance for the first six months, from $54,017 to $57,175.