One study on this subject as on anesthetized paralyzed cats before and after bivagotomy.
He became known in the sixties for recordings from spinal cord cells in anesthetized cats and his research in spinal cord physiology and spasticity.
Chapple and Clarke reported on the neuromuscular and cardiovascular effects of the breakdown products of atracurium and related substances in anesthetized cats.
By placing electrodes in the brains of anesthetized cats, Dr. Middlebrooks and his colleagues found a population of cells that fire when sounds arrive from different locations.
In one experiment, done in 1959, they inserted a microelectrode into the primary visual cortex of an anesthetized cat.
Alpha1 adrenergic antagonists have been shown to inhibit pudendal reflexes in anesthetized cats [ 24 25 26 ] .
For example, David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel recorded the activity of single neurons in the primary visual cortex of the anesthetized cat, and showed how single neurons in this area respond to very specific features of a visual stimulus.
In experiments on anesthetized cats, Papp and Szekeres found that synephrine (stereochemistry unspecified) raised the thresholds for auricular and ventricular fibrillation, an indication of anti-arrhythmic properties.
Inserting many recording electrodes into the brains of an anesthetized cat, they discovered that sets of neurons at sites widely separated in the brain would fire in synchrony with each other in response to a particular stimulus.
LEAD: A committee at the Louisiana State University Medical Center concluded today that it should not stop researchers from firing pellets into the brains of anesthetized cats despite opposition from animal rights groups.