Along the way, demons bedevil them, angels intervene and the forces of evil are vanquished - all in a colorful musical spectacle staged throughout the church.
And, of course, until the angels intervened.
But do please remember that the angel only intervened on my behalf because Joshua was praying for my rescue.
The exorcist often invokes God, Jesus and/or several different angels and archangels to intervene with the exorcism.
It's like saying, 'It's a goal already, unless an angel intervenes.'
His soul is saved, however, when an angel (the boy in costume) intervenes; Justice Algrip repents his past misdeeds and promises to make amends.
Unlike the original Biblical story, an angel intervenes to stop the sacrifice, and Iphis only needs to dedicate her life to the Lord.
The angels of the addressee intervene only to clarify a message if one is received.
I called the Millburn police, and at that moment I do believe the angels intervened.
Then an angel intervenes.