And at that point, the better angels of our nature perk up.
By doing so, he could prove himself a true leader and finally appeal to the better angels of our nature.
To heed the better angels of your nature, you must know the devils first.
All of us want to believe in the better angels of our nature.
This was not America's best face, not the better angels of its nature.
Obama is still appealing to the better angels of our nature, though more irritably.
I could never embrace the better angels of my nature, because they weren't very damned good.
The president put us on this path away from the better angels of our nature, and he has shown no inclination to turn back.
It's all about Lincoln these days, apparently, so we're left to root for the better angels of everybody's nature.
At times like this, it's vital that we embrace the better angels of our nature, no matter how hard it is.