Throughout a battle, an Angel phases in and out of their angelic forms voluntarily and involuntarily.
At times, it even seemed that she was appearing to them in angelic form.
"You mean you couldn't have appeared to me on Earth in your angelic form?"
If the fallen angel retrieves his or her Grace, he or she will be restored to angelic form.
It is revealed he has Anna's Grace, which would restore her to her angelic form.
However, Alastair vanishes in the flash generated by Anna being restored to her angelic true form.
His angelic form is now marked by the absence of a wing, taken by the arch-angel Michael, and holds much influence among English churches.
Able to create mortal bodies for himself to inhabit or transform into his angelic form at will.
Gabriel then explains his actions, and reveals his true angelic form to Khiḍr.
In her angelic form she has white feathered wings, a halo, and wears a long, flowing robe.