This is not to be the overly diligent or angelic girl of so many other books, Sal is a real child figure.
But they give the bigger role to the angelic, blond white girl who can't act.
Although on the outside she is a sweet, angelic girl, her true self is that of a spoiled, selfish brat.
She left the mailroom and in the lobby claimed a double carriage in which sat two angelic little girls - twins, about 2.
How many angelic girls had crossed Jim Cavanaugh's path?
However, the second child was an angelic little girl of four or five years.
Ken Solomon is not an angelic 6-year-old girl.
These angelic young girls, sometimes I think they spend their lives training to be dead.
The younger brother, meanwhile, meets an angelic girl and is molested in a betting-house.
From a wood engraving on the wall a slender, angelic girl looked down upon them, and underneath was the legend: "Our Future Queen."