Legend has it that he was initially baptized Gaetano and given the name of Gabriele later in childhood, because of his angelic looks.
Sophie's angelic looks had won her the 1992 Miss Pears title in the face of 20,000 challengers.
His drawn face had the angelic, ethereal look of a man who had transcended the need for fear or reassurance.
Bartholomew's superb acting skills, open and personable presence, emotional range, refined English diction and angelic looks made him a box-office favorite.
Hughes stated that he achieved a look similar to the angelic look of Renaissance paintings of the Madonna with the artwork.
So, the most suitable emblem for the association was the god Apollo and his polite and angelic look.
Ao trailed obediently after, casting back angelic looks at the Lesser Vegan male.
The reference to her angelic looks gives a window into her morality as a person, and enhances her beauty all the more.
Jane was depicted as a young child with angelic looks and golden curls, whose looks often belied her intent.
Those same elegantly angelic looks of her father.