The immortal existence of human and angelic spirits.
"It was built on their own angelic spirits that had to be snatched away from the oppression of their environments."
And your angelic spirit.
She was charmed by his 'bright, angelic spirit and his gentle, chivalrous manner.'
I will not give you one angelic spirit!
Antonio's angelic spirit visited Luis in prison, and encouraged him to not give up hope.
The fatal Hand had grappled with the mystery of life, and was the bond by which an angelic spirit kept itself in union with a mortal frame.
Dargor's destiny was finally clear; Erian's angelic spirit now embraced Dargor's immortal soul.
He practiced theurgical operations in a secret chamber, and angelic spirits appeared to him in the form of luminous trails and hieroglyphic characters.
Her only chance will be to truly change, for the spells we shall use will not hold against an angelic spirit, only one of evil intent.