Derisive comments he made about the tendency of Congress to spend money angered powerful Republicans and Democrats.
His strategies angered Congressional Republicans, some of whom have asked that he be impeached.
That has angered Democrats and Republicans alike, who say he is shirking his responsibility.
Almost immediately he angered family members and local Republicans by shifting the paper from its right-wing bias to a more centrist outlook.
That angered wet Republicans, especially German Americans, who broke ranks in 1890-1892, handing power to the Democrats.
Senator Sturgulewski, an advocate of abortion rights and a moderate on development and environmental issues, had angered conservative Republicans by refusing to adopt their agenda.
In Washington, the secretary of state, Sam Reed, angered Republicans by saying he had seen no evidence of fraud or irregularities.
In the process, he has angered Republicans, some of whom suggested he was stretching his legal authority beyond its proper grounds.
The Democratic move angered Republicans who had hoped to get a chance to push their approaches.
This had angered Republicans.