Up to this point, I had been feeling a kind of numb anger mixed with guilt and anxiety about not being home.
The boatmen stood paralysed and Sebastian felt anger now mixed with his revulsion.
Kim's full lips tightened, and Kaz saw a flash of anger mixed with a sense of betrayal in his dark eyes.
The thought made him shudder as the anger mixed with shame.
He and Owens shared a look of anger mixed with despair.
They were waiting, tense, expectant, and the tears in Eileen's eyes were tears of anger mixed with fear.
Silence; Jervis stared at him with anger mixed with shame, but it was the shame that won out.
In the runabout Tony's expression was one of anger mixed with resignation.
With anger mixed with a hint of fear, he laughed, and the night's blackness was rent by the sound.
But more vividly, he remembers the shouts of anger mixed with frustration and fear.