"I don't believe it," Sharpe claimed angrily.
Addison's brother Wilson appears and speaks to Addison, who angrily claims that Wilson was the cause of all his failures.
His second wife's brother angrily claims that he will marry his sister to a much wealthier man soon.
He was, some Democrats claimed angrily, waiting for Mr. Dukakis to fail so that he could begin the Jackson 1992 campaign.
"I'm not scared, if that's what you're thinking," he ex- claimed angrily.
Andy's father, Kurt, equally angrily claims that the dog will be happier with them than with Hunter.
Gellibrand angrily claimed that his battalions were only 200 strong.
"It was to keep me passive and obedient," she claimed angrily.
A moment later, they are almost caught by Cyril, who claims he can hear other voices and angrily threatens his son not to go anywhere near the Raccoons again.
After watching her act out her vision, Bitters angrily claims that he doesn't care that no one likes him and would rather have Christmas on his own.