And they are looking into an incident last month when Daum angrily kicked in an advertising board.
Zeke angrily kicked an empty cardboard juice box into the street.
When this does not happen, she angrily kicks David out of their home.
Kicking angrily at her skirts, she ran to him.
They dropped the compost on top of the softener salt, and Robert kicked at the bags angrily.
He kicked angrily at the closed door, then leaned against it, preventing her escape.
He kicked angrily at some roof tiles on the floor.
He did not answer, but the sound of her laughter followed him up the street, and he kicked angrily at the stones in his path.
He stood by the tree, kicking angrily at the roots, then fen suddenly quiet.
Lamb fell back into the chair, kicking angrily at the table legs.