After the bird had gone, Kelemvor picked up his large stone and angrily pounded at the ice on his left.
The mermaid's long green tail pounded angrily on the deck of the boat.
The President angrily pounded the desk with one fist.
A dozen arteries pounded angrily inside his skull, rivers of thudding pain.
He punched out a few numbers before angrily pounding the phone back into its cradle.
General Worf sat in the command chair, angrily pounding it with his fist.
Danny Pogue angrily pounded the floor with one of his crutches.
At a service station, a man walked up to his car and angrily pounded on the hood.
The agent angrily pounded his fist on the table.
I screamed and pounded angrily on the glass door.