Mrs. Thistletwat berates her, and Kate angrily quits her job before she can be fired.
Disgusted by Homer's lawless capture, Ned angrily quits.
Then, just when forensic evidence against Mrs. Didrikson begins to accumulate, Diamond is tossed off the case - for allegedly roughing up a witness - and angrily quits the force.
Iona angrily (and drunkenly) declares that she cannot stand the chauvinistic nature of the law firm she works at while Burnaby angrily quits his job as a "coffee jerk" to audition for another part, which he lands.
Last Thursday, Mr. Schevardnadze angrily quit as Foreign Minister, warning of a national march toward dictatorship.
James H. Webb Jr., who angrily quit last month as Secretary of the Navy, is still a popular man on campus at the Naval Academy in Annapolis.
When she found out, she angrily quit.
Georg angrily quits, and the other employees sadly say "Goodbye Georg".
Laurel is an unsung Wall Street genius who angrily quits her job when her less-talented male colleague Frank (Tim Daly) is promoted over her.