Today, there were huge student demonstrations in Spain, smaller demonstrations in South Korea, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and one that involved angry clashes with the police in Sydney, Australia.
Then on June 4 and 5, there was a series of angry, violent clashes between demonstrators and armed platoons of police in which several dozen people were killed, by the more conservative estimates.
Their disagreements lead to angry clashes that seem to spur great things from Hernandez.
In an angry clash a day after the allegations were broadcast, the MP accused Snow of telling viewers "deliberate and outrageous" lies and warned Channel 4 News to "watch it".
And in both Leipzig and Dresden, where angry clashes broke out over the weekend, there were reports of a new willingness by the local authorities to consider the demands of the protesters.
Young Kingz ft Sonical - Mark Duggan dedication Two days of angry clashes in parts of north London have seen 2...
His upbeat message just a day after Chancellor Norman Lamont warned that full economic recovery could be three years away sparked an angry clash with Labour.
And despite their angry clashes, Mr. Mancuso and Mr. Caruso said they believed there was room for compromise.
About 30 people were involved in the angry clash.
In Maine and Connecticut the contracting economy has meant sharply lower tax revenues and has produced angry clashes over the states' budgets.