Irene remembered Marge's promises; hence Irene's look was one of angry rebuke.
The maneuvering prompted angry rebuke from Senator Kennedy on the Senate floor.
He jammed the car into drive and lurched out into traffic, prompting an angry rebuke from the horn of another driver.
Smokers light one cigarette after another and, if they inadvertently trespass on the nonsmoker section, meet with hostile stares and angry rebukes.
The attacks played a key role in forcing an armistice but brought an angry rebuke from King Amanullah.
Tucker then delivers an angry rebuke to her:
For that he received an extraordinary, angry public rebuke from the State Department.
It was no time for angry rebukes.
The comments drew an angry rebuke from Mr. Chávez's government, which in August won a landslide election that reinforced the president's mandate.
The comment draws angry rebukes from Sharpton and other candidates, who say it's racially insensitive.