Tender elsewhere, she was most striking vocally in the intensely anguished moments of the third act.
The pain was so terrible that for a long anguished moment it took his breath away and he could not scream.
He closed his eyes for an anguished moment, flinching from the memory, as a deep sorrow touched his face.
Instantly, his companion's heads turned to him, sensing his torment in a brief anguished moment he forgot to hide.
"Who-" Taniquel shaped the word, and for an anguished moment no sound came.
For an anguished moment, Harker looked around the kitchen as if he were trapped.
During a mostly solid performance, Miller, 23, had one anguished moment.
He closed his eyes for an anguished moment.
Yet in my most vulnerable and anguished moments, a hint of understanding arises as to why a man would so act.
"Maybe this was a mistake," he said recently, permitting himself an anguished moment of reflection.