'What good does it do for me to read all those books and consult with an animal behaviorist?'
This role reversal is something that animal behaviorists say can help both owner and dog.
Sara Etkin, an animal behaviorist, described them as highly intelligent and easy to train.
"Only the most famous young animal behaviorist in the world, Arb."
A growing number of animal behaviorists believe that training and walking cats is not only possible, but good for the cat.
The term imprinting has long been used by animal behaviorists to describe a phase of early learning in animals.
It's a vew with increasing influence among biologists and animal behaviorists.
An animal behaviorist might say lizards sing as a way of establishing their territory.
They are full-time professionally educated animal behaviorists who work with pet owners to solve behavior issues.
The other lesson is best summed up by the animal behaviorist who discovered that wasps recognize each other's faces.