The animal caretakers work together to dress Vince up as Rod, since he can imitate his father's accent fairly well.
Bonnie - orangutan; began whistling (mimicking an animal caretaker), which is changing ideas about primate sound repertoires.
People with indigo auras are said to be in occupations such as computer analyst, animal caretaker, and counselor.
If no one is available, or if an animal didn't share its earth experience with a human, it is often met by animal caretakers.
More than likely, animal caretakers are people who adored animals on earth.
People went into Level 4 areas all the time at the Institute, particularly the civilian animal caretakers.
Mutsujiroo (whose name echoes that of a famous Japanese animal caretaker) is a compassionate mushroom person who wants to save animals.
Max is the worst animal caretaker I have ever seen.
In May 2008, animal caretakers had average yearly wages of $21,550.
She began spontaneously whistling, mimicking an animal caretaker making the sound.