There are also some other animal carvings, many other abstract geometric patterns and human figures.
This tradition of rich ornamentation appears to go back to the animal carvings of the Viking age.
It is carved with various scenes, religious, martial and traditional Pictish animal carvings.
I would go there often and many, many times saw the collection of Fabergé, animal carvings made from gemstones.
In addition to the animal carvings, Mr. Tulupov has been experimenting with more abstract forms over the last few years.
Painted animal carvings decorated it on all sides.
The handmade works will include jewelry, clothing, furniture, paintings and animal carvings.
It was common for them to be decorated with animal carvings.
It is a reference to the ubiquitous animal carvings that look as if they were produced on an assembly line.
Some other animal carvings may not have been useful but are more than artistic depictions.