Solitary animals with the exception of coming together to mate, mothers and calves will sometimes congregate in small groups for short periods of time.
Since water levels are low at that time, animals congregate at central water locations, providing popular opportunities for viewing the wildlife.
The best time to come is March and April when the animals congregate around watering holes.
There is more than one way in which animals can congregate in the dark, or in the light.
Numerous animals, including mastodons, would have congregated at this pond, thereby drawing the attention of Paleoindian hunters.
Some scientists have suggested that the animals congregate so they can cluster together to protect themselves from predators.
Generally, the animals congregate in the castle at dusk and remain there until sunrise.
Adult animals congregate only on an ad hoc and transitory basis when special conditions permit, such as plentiful supply of food.
Late March to April is the best time for viewing, as the animals congregate at water holes before the rains.
The animals had lost most of their curiosity about us, and didn't congregate the way they used to.