In the 1990s, the animated comedy show Animaniacs would always close their episodes with zingers after displaying the ending credits.
"Mole Hunt" is the pilot episode of the animated comedy Archer.
They were television's first animated comedy programs.
This animated comedy illustrated the plight of a public house after it has been transformed into a fun pub.
After the race, repeats of Fox's animated comedies either won or tied their half-hour slots in that demographic.
Groove High is an animated comedy that's set in a quirky school for performing arts.
An animated comedy about eleven-year-old Tiffany and her relationship with her father, Mike.
This is Family Guy at its best, and definitely sets a very high bar for animated comedy.
Most come in three-to-five minute jolts of animated comedy, ideal for people taking breaks at work.
The network broadcasts shows ranging from action to animated comedy.