This vertebrate-type vision uses animation capabilities based on knowledge about subject classes (including the autonomous vehicle itself) and their potential behaviour in certain situations.
While Poser has animation capability, this use is less common.
Such a plug-in might, for example, offer heightened facial animation capabilities or a range of arcane textures.
Shockwave provides a vector-based animation capability.
He obtained an Apple II and began to program in machine language, and wanted to explore the animation capabilities.
In addition, it also has a keyframe animation capability that allows users to create sophisticated animations.
However, Visualize is not a modeling tool and has limited animation capabilities.
But I think I will wait a couple of years for the colour screens versions to come out, with animation capabilities.
Project Dogwaffle is a raster graphics editor with animation capabilities.
This animation capability is even more useful with the KPT Turbulence filter.