The film has since been republished on a DVD along with other animation movies.
The studio has had its greatest financial success with movies, specifically animation movies.
In the early 1990s, Kahn recorded a voice for the animation movie 'The Magic 7'.
Alexeïeff conceived this device to make animation movies showing the same kind of textural effects that its engravings.
There is also a short animation movie adapted from the original story by Aleksandr Petrov.
In 2005, his animation short movie Lorenzo was nominated for an Academy Award.
Between the years of 1999-2000 she worked as a voice-over artist for animation movies.
It was the widest ever released animation movie in India.
Career opportunities in new media include making animation movies, video game designing, digital art, e-marketing, e-education, Desk top publishing.
The animation movies produced at Moldova-Studios reach an international audience.