When it opened in 1995, it was just in time to welcome 100,000 members of the American Bowling Congress for their 100th anniversary meeting.
They performed at Avex's 20th anniversary meeting and at A-Nation '08.
The 50th anniversary meeting was at Rhodes in 2007.
The purpose of the anniversary meeting was to review the Heechee decision to retreat to a black hole, and to contemplate what else might need be done.
On May 19, 2010, the Firehouse Restaurant hosted the chapter's 125th anniversary meeting.
A 50th anniversary meeting was held, again at Preston Montford, in 2008.
Another anniversary meeting of convoy crews was organised this year in Archangel, also attended by British and Americans.
The fiftieth anniversary meeting was held at the University of Alabama.
In 1893 he presented a paper about the dust to the 150th anniversary meeting of the American Philosophical Society.
In the 2005, there was a grand anniversary meeting, to mark the centenary, with more than 500 attendees.