An organized man, Armstrong kept an annotated collection, which is available for study through the college.
W&S was replaced by something called the post-mortems, photocopied annotated collections of articles that were circulated exclusively internally, several times a week.
The project consists of a complete annotated collection of letters written by and to Vincent.
The first volume recounts Mershon's life and engineering projects, the second is an edited and annotated collection of his writings.
As a Festschrift, his students published a two-volume annotated collection of his periodical articles in 1933.
The book is an annotated collection of writings drawn from more than two millennia of Western civilization.
An annotated collection of all of Bobby Fischer's lost games.
An annotated collection of many of Xie's games along with some biographical information.
The book is an annotated collection of his best games, along with many stories from his colorful life.
A significant project, entitled Chess on the Edge, includes the largest annotated collection of his games, more than 600 in all.