The annotated copy contains Tovar's certification as of September 7, 1555 that it is a true copy of the earlier text.
Inman responded with a The Oatmeal blog post containing an annotated copy of the letter, and refusing to do so.
McKellen's website about the film including an annotated copy of the screenplay.
In an annotated copy of each report, auditors list the source of every factual statement.
He gave an annotated copy of the score to Hanna, who bequeathed it to her daughter Dorothea.
The annotated copy of Lear's book, signed and dated November 2001, was auctioned in 2012.
An annotated copy of the map is available with the approximate location of the collapse indicated in red.
No fear: I've got my old annotated copy from college.
Currently, the state government does not publish an official hardcopy version of the codes, though unofficial annotated copies are widely available from private publishers.
The annotated copy of the "Lyric Suite" seemed the stuff of a musicologist's dream: a composer had for once made his intentions known.