However, Cox announced that their plan will continue anyway, despite the complaint, as the previous court case authorized them to make the changes.
In June she announced her engagement, despite objections to the marriage from his friends and her sister.
International China's leaders announced a sharp increase in military spending, despite a rising budget deficit and economic challenges.
She announced days later that despite the accident, she was eager to return to the sport.
The director general announced the round's success on May 15, 1967, despite bitter disagreement upon many of the details.
The body has not yet announced an end date for the 2001 recession, despite a year and a half of growth, because the data remain so mixed.
The couple quickly announce their engagement, despite attempts by Alison to break them up.
However, in 2006, he announced his comeback, despite a significant weight gain.
Tonight's crowd was bigger, announced as a sellout despite plentiful empty chairs.
Israel routinely announces such building plans, despite the requirement in the Middle East peace plan for a freeze on settlement activity.