In June 1991, the Philadelphia Stock Exchange announced fines of $1,000 per punch thrown in any floor fight.
Signs announcing $100 fines for littering are soon to go up.
The league announces suspensions, but not fines.
In addition to the suspensions, the N.B.A. said it would announce fines for Laimbeer, Daugherty and other players tomorrow.
The government also announced higher fines for industries failing to the new laws as well as the increase number of inspections and inspectors.
The National Tax Service announced fines totaling $388 million against 23 national news organizations for tax evasion.
"I never announce fines," the coach said.
Signs already announce fines for horn-honking (except as a warning).
Radomski said officials would be happier if the league were more public about announcing fines and warning those who abuse referees.
Watson, who was at the game, said he would most likely announce fines in a day or two "on the part of everybody involved" on the Mets.