Nigeria's military rulers announced tough guidelines for political parties today in what they have described as a gradual transition toward democracy.
The agency has been studying the pay phone market and plans to announce guidelines for carriers this month.
At its national meeting in Seattle last week, the society also announced clinical guidelines for dealing with chronic pain.
Markets The top firms in the municipal bond business announced guidelines for curbing political donations from underwriters.
In June, the Alliance announced its creation, membership, mission and guidelines.
The overturning occurred last term as the Chief Justice announced new, permissive guidelines for future overturnings.
The companies are pressing the Small Business Administration to change the program when it announces new guidelines this week.
And in November a Presidential commission is expected to announce guidelines for women in the military.
But recent criticism that the policy is having exactly the opposite effect led the Pentagon to announce new guidelines for enforcement of the five-year-old policy.
Obama also announced stricter guidelines regarding lobbyists in an effort to raise the ethical standards of the White House.