The Federal Home Loan Banks will announce interest rates today for three new bond issues totaling $2.862 billion.
Today, the Federal Home Loan Banks plan to announce interest rates on $2.86 billion of bonds to be offered through various securities dealers and banks.
The city's bond sale is subject to market conditions, though underwriters led by Goldman, Sachs said they expect to announce interest rates on the bonds day this week.
At that time the company may retire the notes or announce new interest rates and a new maturity, ranging from one year to the final maturity in 2015.
Higher German Rates Expected Analysts also said the dollar slipped on speculation that Germany would announce higher interest rates later this week.
As recently as late yesterday, officials at Goldman, Sachs had enough investors to issue a statement that they would announce interest rates today.
The Federal Home Loan Banks will announce interest rates today on three bond issues totaling $2.55 billion.
Elsewhere in the agency market, the Federal Home Loan Banks announced interest rates for a previously scheduled $4.375 billion offering of new bonds.
Executives at the First Boston Corporation expect to announce interest rates today for more than $1 billion of Allied Stores Corporation's speculative-grade securities.
Underwriters led by Dean Witter Reynolds expect to announce interest rates on the bonds Thursday.