Even a news conference to announce the report today became a forum for grandstanding.
Secondly, he announced the report to the media before being cleared by the Government bureaucrats.
Nielsen found those remarks so supportive of its arguments against the critics that it placed an excerpt almost at the very top of the release announcing the report.
Until Burbank's call would announce the final report from Harry Vincent, The Shadow would remain unseen.
"We're vulnerable to something along the line of the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic that killed 20 million people worldwide," Dr. Shope said at a news conference announcing the report.
Click here for the press release announcing the report.
In announcing the report of a panel she appointed to study public safety, Mrs. Whitman sought to counter Governor Florio's contention that she is soft on crime.
Ken Frydman, a spokesman for Mr. Giuliani, said he had watched some of the televised news conference announcing the report and was studying a copy of it.
They started to announce the report.
Yet the company's financial profile appears strong to many and Mr. Eriksen, announcing the 2003 annual report, called the results "H&M's best results ever."