An announcement was made, in AA66, that the following issue would not only include a cover tape, but contain more colour and be printed on different paper.
Before every episode, an on-screen announcement declared, "The following is a science-fiction program, and may contain some startling scenes.
The recent announcement did not contain enough information for us to know what will really happen.
The announcement contained a summary of a B-Plot which did not appear in the episode's final broadcast.
The announcement of the deal contained some inconsistencies.
The announcement of the sale that was sent to museums and libraries last month contained only a general list of 13 categories to be sold.
The announcement should contain matter which will interest and convince after the attention has been attracted" (p. 50).
These and other scientists said that the announcement issued by the University of Utah contained too few technical details to assess.
The announcement contained two horrendous errors that would haunt me for years.
No other details were released, though the announcement contained a message from the manga artist Karuho Shiina.