An announcement was given on August 17, 2010 confirming his return to the team.
On Korail all information and announcements are given in English as well as Korean.
At the time, no announcement was ever given regarding Season 3 or what the future would hold for the third season.
Cardona's glum announcement was given to the accompaniment of a tuned-down chuckling from the radio.
One of the fugitives was captured on 6 March 2012, however, so 36 prisoners were at large when this announcement was given.
No announcement was ever given to the Mexican media.
This announcement occurred on the 15th day of Boedromion (September), and was given by the hierophantes.
As the community base changes so do the services offered, previously lectures or announcements were given in Urdu only.
The announcement is given from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.
At the beginning of each presentation the following announcement would be given: