The surprising announcement raised concern about Digital's financial performance in the most recent quarter, which ended last week.
At the same time the announcement raised a number of eyebrows.
"I understand that this announcement will raise questions on all sides of the house, these are profound changes," he said.
Lamont's announcement of help for 100,000 unemployed people also raised half a cheer at most.
But the announcement which came in the early hours of today, raises many more questions than it answers.
Just the announcement of a mass downsizing in the mid-1990's would raise a company's stock price.
The announcement also raises questions about how candid Ford was when it provided its financial guidance at the start of the year.
Yesterday's announcement that he will go after the Maastricht vote raises too many questions.
The announcement of the deal raised questions about how quickly the Japanese financial industry would consolidate.
Yesterday's announcement again raised the issue of security in the city's public schools.