He turned off the sound while the commercial was on, then turned the dial up as Walter Howard Path's announcer appeared on the screen.
A commercial channel came on and before I could change channels the announcer appeared in glorious three dimension and color.
The same announcer, whose depth of depression seemed to be matched only by his remarkable stamina, appeared on screen just after midnight.
Once more the announcer appeared at his desk, facing his TV audience with an appropriate worried expression on his face.
The announcer also appeared in Showcase skits, sometimes modeling the prizes or playing a character in a story line.
Announcers Back on Camera Official news organizations took a small step toward normality Wednesday, when announcers again appeared on camera on the television news program.
Other announcers appeared saying there were vandals in the television building occupying the first floor.
The holographic announcer appeared in their basement.
A neutral announcer appeared.
The house lights dimmed as the announcer appeared in the center of the dancers, who hoisted her up on their shoulders.