After this, the announcer asks Daffy if he wants to tell the audience something.
If there are more than 800,000 words in the English language, an announcer asks, "why is it so hard to say those three little ones?"
Here, too, an announcer asks a question: "Why is a good man so hard to find?"
An announcer asked questions like "If beer had no labels, what would you drink?"
The announcer raised a series of issues and asked what I would do about them.
Softly, the announcer asked her to explain the demonstration and what she was doing.
While there, the announcer asks he/she questions, such as, Do you like the pigs?
The public-address announcer asked for the champions to take the stage.
The announcer then asks Bugs how he knew the answer so quickly.
The announcer asked, "What will you play for us next?"