The game's audio was met with an ambivalent reaction, with critics enjoying the music but complaining about the "annoying" character catchphrases.
A sweet, cheeky, talkative little angel with a lot of annoying character.
Eric can be a hell of an annoying character.
He is, in fact, the most annoying character of the swim team, driving most of the characters crazy from his antics.
If he was a fictional character, it would either be in a cynical farce or simply be an annoying and unbelievable character.
The product shows an annoying but sympathetic character, as so many of his fans suspected already.
After listing everything that's wrong with Ackley, Holden says he feels sorry for this annoying character.
"Lori is in favor of leaving the security and zombie fighting to the men folk-yet another reason she's the show's most annoying character."
Anne, Tim's new desk-mate, was written to be an even more annoying character than Gareth.
"Games with implausible and annoying characters popping up at regular intervals are just too stressful," said Miller.