You can use a M82A1 to swat down those annoying flies.
The men ignored him as if he was a fly, annoying, but powerless.
Philip waved at the woman as though she were an annoying fly.
The woman turned with an irritated frown to brush me away as if I had been an annoying fly.
Brushing at his face as though the thought were an annoying fly he could shoo away, Johnny started across the room.
I didn't have to: he snapped his teeth at me like I was an annoying fly.
His secretary's voice buzzed in his ear like an annoying fly.
He twitched his shoulder blades, as if some annoying fly had landed on his back.
Kira's small runabout would be like an annoying fly to them.
"Yes, yes," he said briskly, waving a hand as if at an annoying fly.