Why on earth would you let anyone take an important message like this, then drive many away from it with that annoying music?
However, when Porky returns Charlie is there in Scottish attire complete with a bagpipe and he eventually drives Porky into accepting him as a pet with the bagpipe's annoying music.
I started going to yoga class a few years ago because I am allergic to exercise, because I despise gyms, because I refuse to be assaulted by annoying music and barking instructors.
Some of common complaints of the game include bad camera angles, lackluster graphics, choppy or slow framerates, annoying music and sound, and limited help for players; while most players agreed the concept was neat.
The first thing you will probably want to do with CART Precision Racing is mute the annoying music that plays whenever you are on the track.
Still, with all the frames, annoying music and blinking animations, it more than serves its purpose.
The ball-in-a-cup scene is commented upon by MacFarlane, where he states that "the voice-overs work, the drawings work" and that Walter Murphy "did a great job of creating a piece of deliberately annoying music."
I remember back in 2003 when her annoying music was on the radio all the time,just as bad as Justin Bieber.
He subsequently called Baauer to thank him for "doing something useful with our annoying music".
Mildly annoying up-tempo music plays nonstop.