She squinted her watery eyes to read labels, looking for just the right medicine for her many annoying symptoms.
One of the most common and annoying symptoms you may notice during your 40s is that your periods become irregular.
Some of them work; others merely trade one set of annoying symptoms for another.
This reaction may be mild, with a few annoying symptoms.
Perhaps the most annoying symptom is fatigue.
Believe it or not, those annoying symptoms you're experiencing are part of the natural healing process - evidence that the immune system is battling illness.
Some have no recognizable symptoms, but others accept their annoying symptoms as normal, particularly if a parent had similar ones.
You've probably heard about glucosamine's ability to help ease this annoying symptom.
Learn all about the different over-the-counter and prescription medicines that can help ease annoying symptoms.
Alternative treatments offer ways to ease or avoid some of the annoying symptoms of menopause.