The town's annual fiesta is held every November 30.
The peaceful village comes alive for one weekend in August when its annual Fiesta takes place.
Accentuated every annual municipal fiesta is the "Pasungay" or bull fight.
The days left until the annual fiesta, his first bullfight, are decreasing.
Gravel celebrated the annual fiesta of St. Michael the archangel in the new site.
Edwards himself continued to make appearances at the town's annual fiesta every May until his death.
While the general public is only dimly aware of the program, in many poor neighborhoods it turns tax season into an annual fiesta.
Other village leaders were dancing in the annual fiesta on the day of the guerrilla attack they are accused of carrying out, witnesses said.
The school also hosts an annual techno-cultural-sports fiesta, Panorama.
No matter how bad the harvest or rapacious the authorities, townspeople always find the resources for an exuberant annual fiesta.